Real estate has been in the thick of social change, tackling vital issues such as diversity and inclusion. But while significant progress has been made towards equality in terms of gender, race and sexual orientation, another area to raise is for disability.
Most companies believe they prioritise diversity across their recruitment efforts; however, only a small percentage actually do.
Disability inclusion is more than just about hiring an individual with a disability. An inclusive workplace values all workers for their skills and strengths, offering an equal opportunity to learn, be fairly compensated and above all, succeed.
Positively seeking to attract applications from people with disabilities broadens the talent pool of skilled workers, brings in fresh ideas and helps the company perform better.
Around 20% of the working population live with a disability, whether visible or invisible. This represents a market size equivalent to Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil and the US combined.
The chances are you will come across someone in our industry with a disability at some point. Employing talented real estate professionals, understanding disability, and being proactive towards customers with disabilities can be rewarding.