Property Manager CV Examples and Guide

A Property Manager is an integral role in real estate, and securing this...

Topics: Career Toolkit

November 2023

12min Read

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A Property Manager is an integral role in real estate, and securing this job requires a well-crafted, professional CV.

However knowing what to include in your CV, and ensuring you stand out from other candidates applying for the same position is crucial.

Candidates often fall into the habit of putting everything on their CV – regardless of its relevance of alignment to the job role they’re applying for. However, employers and recruiters will have a list of criteria and will be looking for candidates who possess certain skills or fulfill certain requirements.

A generic approach to CV writing is not effective as you need to understand the ins and outs of the role you’re applying for, in this case a Property Manager, and then craft your CV around it. This includes tailoring your strengths, skills, and experience to match what the job role is asking for, giving you the best chance of success.

Before we dive into what should be included on a Property Manager’s CV, let’s start with a brief overview of the role.

Property Manager Job Description

A Property Manager acts as an intermediary between property owners and tenants to oversee the day-to-day operations and maintenance of rental properties.

Property Managers have similar responsibilities if they work in residential or commercial real estate, though relevant skills and qualification requirements may differ. For example, a commercial Property Manager may be required to be qualified as a surveyor. Another difference is that the tenants a commercial Property Manager would look after will be businesses, whereas tenants under a residential Property Manager’s care will typically be individual tenants or families.

Ultimately, it’s their job to ensure that everything runs smoothly and profitably so they have a lot of responsibility on their shoulders.

When exploring a Property Manager’s job description, you’ll notice it’s varied and ranges from marketing vacant units and screening prospective tenants, to collecting rent, and enforcing lease agreements.

Essentially they are the face of property ownership, maintaining good relationships with tenants while protecting the interests of property owners.

Other typical responsibilities include:

  • Setting rental rates and gathering rental payments from tenants.
  • Assessing property values as mandated by property owners.
  • Employing maintenance personnel to operate within the properties.
  • Maintaining properties to a high standard and carrying out the necessary repairs.
  • Resolving tenant grievances.
  • Overseeing personnel working within the property.
  • Administering property inspections for both tenants and buyers.

Property Manager Qualifications UK

Property Manager qualifications vary depending on where you’re located, so we’ll stick to the UK for the purpose of this post.

Whilst being certified isn’t required to get into this role, it can help professionals secure a job in such a competitive market as it shows employers their understanding of the industry.

Some organisations to obtain Property Manager qualifications include:

The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB)

If you’re looking to become a Property Manager, certification from The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) is an important step in becoming a Property Manager.

As an internationally recognised accreditation body, this ensures the quality of its certifications by providing candidates with a robust and comprehensive training programme. Candidates who complete this can gain certification immediately which demonstrates their commitment to ethics and professionalism, helping them stand out among other candidates.

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

RICS is a leading organisation offering certification and training for aspiring Property Managers. Certification is vital for entering the profession, as it is often the preferred credential by employers, showcasing a comprehensive understanding of property management practices.

To get certified, complete the “Essentials of Property Management” online course within three years of starting employment as a property manager, or risk not receiving certification.

person passing over a clipboard

What to Include in a Property Manager CV

Knowing what to include in your CV when you’re applying for a Property Manager job is key to being successful.

Your CV is the first thing a potential employer or recruiter reads and this can be the difference between you landing an interview, or being pushed to the bottom of the pile.

Your CV needs to stand out so that employers have a reason to interview you. Unless you’ve been headhunted or approached for a specific role, you will be competing against other candidates.

It can be difficult knowing how to condense your career history into a single document, whilst highlighting the most important and relevant accomplishments, that’s why we’ve compiled a list of things that a Property Manager CV must have.

Contact information

This might seem obvious, but you must include your contact information, preferably at the top, of your CV.

This includes:

  • Your mobile number
  • Your email address
  • Your LinkedIn handle
  • Your location

There’s also some contact information that you don’t need to include such as your home address and date of birth. Whilst location is an important factor as this might affect your suitability for the role, including your home address is not recommended.

Top tip: Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date. This is a professional network and recruiters/ employers will be interested to see what kind of content you post and what accounts you interact with. Also when it comes to your email address, make sure you keep it professional. Something such as or a similar variation is appropriate.

Professional summary

Your professional summary gives recruiters and employers a snapshot of your suitability for the role before they dive into your full CV. They will receive lots of different applications from candidates – each claiming that they are the best fit for the job.

So what sets you apart?

By creating your professional summary, you can provide a clear and succinct account of your key strengths and qualifications so that they know looking further into your CV is a worthwhile use of their time.

When it comes to writing your professional summary, be sure to include:

  • Your current job – This tells employers and recruiters your current role and responsibilities
  • Your skills and experience – These need to be matched to the requirements of the specific role
  • Your previous work and academic achievements – Highlight any professional project that you’re particularly proud of

Professional summary example:

“Experienced Property Manager with a proven record of effectively managing residential and commercial properties. Adept at developing and implementing strategic leasing and marketing initiatives and fostering positive tenant relationships. Strong financial acumen, problem-solving skills, and a commitment to maintaining properties in compliance with all regulations and standards. Keen to develop my experience working across large-scale projects.”

Top tip: Keep your professional summary short and to the point. It’s designed to be a snapshot of your suitability which summarises the key points of your CV. Three or four sentences at the top of your CV is sufficient as this should be enough to pique their interest.

Career History

Next up on a Property Manager CV should be your history. This helps employers understand your career path and the skills you have gained throughout your professional development.

Lots of job roles, especially those in senior positions, require a certain level of experience so detailing your career history helps employers see this.

For example, when applying for a senior position such as the Director of Architecture, prospective employers will want to see a robust track record in the field. They’ll be interested in your previous employment history, the projects you’ve successfully undertaken, and the skills you’ve acquired from each of these experiences. Given the high level of responsibility associated with this role, showcasing your extensive expertise through your career history is vital to secure such a position.

We’ve dedicated a blog post to the role of an Architect, including the expected level of salary and career progression so make sure you give it a read for more information.

It’s also proof that you can have the skills listed in your CV as you’ve applied them to a real-life working environment.

The best way to outline your career history is to:

  • Include clear dates – Explain when you started in this role and the date you left as this shows employers and recruiters the length of experience you’ve had.
  • Your job title in the position – This gives an insight into your responsibilities and the type of projects you’ve worked on day-to-day.
  • The name of the company – Perhaps you worked in a similar or related field which could be beneficial to the role.
  • Use bullet points – List your key responsibilities instead of writing paragraphs as this helps you highlight relevant information.

Top tip: Put your job history in chronological order and start with your most recent job role first. Also, if you’ve had any jobs in the past which are totally unrelated, feel free to leave this off your CV. For example, perhaps when you first graduated you worked in a bar or a shop. Unless you can tie these skills into the job role you’re applying for, it’s not essential to list them. Your CV should be a single page, two at the maximum, so keep it focussed.

Education and certifications

When it comes to your education, follow the same principles as your career history by listing your most recent education first.

Additionally, it’s important to highlight any certifications that are relevant to the role of a Property Manager. For example, you might want to showcase certifications from industry organisations such as the National Association of Residential Property Managers (NARPM) or courses in property law and real estate finance.

These can demonstrate your commitment to staying updated with industry standards and your dedication to improving your skills. Be sure to include the name of the certification, the issuing organisation or institution, and the date of completion.

Top tip: Avoid including certifications that are outdated as these do not reflect your current skills and knowledge. You want to show the employer that your skills and expertise are up to date as this shows your commitment to staying current in your field.


Highlighting relevant skills on your CV is essential as this shows the employer or recruiter that you’re the right person for the job.

The key thing to remember here is to include skills that are aligned to the requirements of the specific job role you’re applying for.

For example, for the role of a Project Manager, you should emphasise skills such as strategic planning, budget management, team leadership, and risk assessment.

You should have a dedicated “skills” section at the top of your CV for easy visibility, whilst also making sure you emphasise these skills with concrete examples in your career history section.

This combination of a skills section and real-world examples allows you to effectively demonstrate your qualifications and make a strong impression on potential employers or recruiters.

Top tip: You don’t have to list every single one of your skills on your CV – if they’re not relevant. Keep it specific towards the requirements of the job as this is what employers and recruiters will be looking for.

Professional Achievements

When including professional achievements in your Property Manager CV, it’s crucial to highlight your successes in the field.

Start by selecting achievements that demonstrate your value as a Property Manager. For example, you can mention how you consistently maintained high occupancy rates, reduced maintenance costs, or successfully resolved tenant disputes.

Additionally, emphasise any industry awards or recognitions you’ve earned to showcase your commitment to excellence. By showcasing your accomplishments, you not only validate your expertise but also provide employers or recruiters with solid evidence of your ability to excel in the role of a Property Manager.

Top tip: Use quantifiable metrics whenever possible, such as “increased rental income by 15% over the past year” or “implemented cost-saving measures resulting in a 20% decrease in maintenance expenses” to show the real impact you made.

Tailoring Your CV for Specific Job Applications

People often fall into a habit of creating their CV once and then leaving it. They assume that this document is enough to secure their next role, and sometimes, people don’t even review it to make sure the information is still correct.

However, your skills and experience are constantly evolving and your CV can soon become out of date. This is true regardless of whether you’ve worked in the same role for several years, or you’ve moved between jobs, as you’ll still be taking on new tasks and responsibilities.

Furthermore, reviewing your CV before you apply for a job gives you the opportunity to assess how effective it is. There might be certain areas that you want to expand on more than others, due to the specific role you’re interested in.

When tailoring your CV, remember to:

  • Review the job description: Carefully read the job description to identify the specific skills, qualifications, and responsibilities required for the role. Use this information as a blueprint for tailoring your CV.
  • Prioritise relevant experience: Highlight your most relevant work experience, focusing on positions and achievements that closely align with the job you’re applying for.
  • Customise your skills: Tailor your skills section to include key competencies mentioned in the job description. This ensures that your CV resonates with the employer’s expectations.
  • Quantify achievements: Whenever possible, use quantifiable metrics to showcase your accomplishments. Numbers, percentages, and specific results provide concrete evidence of your past successes in similar roles.
  • Use keywords: Include relevant industry-specific keywords from the job posting into your CV. This can improve your chances of passing through applicant tracking systems (ATS) and catching the eye of recruiters who are searching for specific qualifications.

woman in white jumper on laptop

Property Manager CV Dos and Don’ts

People often dread writing their CV because they don’t know where to start, how long it should be, or what to include.

Whilst following the guidance in this post will help, there are some classic CV do’s and don’ts which we need to cover.

Property Manager CV Do’s:

  • Keep it concise: Your CV should be one-two pages maximum in length.
  • Use a professional format: Choose a clean and easy-to-read format with consistent fonts, bullet points, and headings. A well-organised CV is more likely to capture the attention of recruiters.
  • Quantify your achievements: Whenever possible, use quantifiable metrics to showcase your accomplishments. Numbers and percentages provide evidence of your contributions and skills.
  • Explain any career gaps: Don’t be vague about any gaps in your career as this might seem suspicious and it’s something that recruiters and employers will notice.
  • Work with a recruitment partner: These people will have an in-depth understanding of what employers are looking for and will ensure your CV is focussed and relevant.

Property Manager CV Don’ts:

  • Exaggerate information: Be truthful in your CV; avoid exaggerating your qualifications or achievements. Misleading information can harm your credibility.
  • Use personal pronouns: Avoid using first-person pronouns like “I” or “my” in your CV. Instead, use a concise and professional tone without unnecessary personal references.
  • Forget about proofreading: Spelling and grammar mistakes can detract from your professionalism. Carefully check your CV to ensure it’s error-free.
  • Provide irrelevant personal information: Your CV should focus on your professional qualifications. Avoid including personal information, such as marital status or unrelated interests.
  • Include unnecessary details: Keep your CV concise and relevant.

Property Manager CV Example

[Your Name]
[City, Postal Code]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]
[LinkedIn URL]

Professional Summary:

Dedicated Property Manager with more than 7 years of experience in managing residential and commercial properties in the UK. Skilled in optimising property performance, fostering tenant relationships, and ensuring compliance with UK property laws and regulations. Proven record of increasing occupancy rates, reducing maintenance costs, and delivering excellent property management services. Seeking a challenging property management role to apply my expertise.

Work Experience:

Property Manager [Company Name], [City], [Month Year – Present]

  • Managed a diverse portfolio of 250+ residential units and commercial properties, achieving an average occupancy rate of 97% through effective marketing and tenant relations.
  • Oversaw property maintenance, reducing costs by 15% through strategic vendor management and preventive maintenance programs.
  • Negotiated lease agreements and conducted rent reviews in compliance with UK tenancy laws, resulting in a 10% annual rental income increase.
  • Ensured full legal compliance with UK property regulations, including safety checks and EPC certifications.
  • Implemented efficient property management software, streamlining rent collection and financial reporting processes.

Assistant Property Manager [Company Name], [City], [Month Year] – [Month Year]

  • Assisted in the management of a portfolio of UK commercial properties, supporting lease negotiations, tenant communications, and financial reporting.
  • Conducted property inspections and coordinated maintenance activities to meet UK health and safety standards, enhancing property value and tenant satisfaction.
  • Collaborated with the leasing team to attract and retain tenants, contributing to a 95% occupancy rate across properties.
  • Managed financial records, including rent collection, service charge budgeting, and financial reporting in accordance with UK property accounting standards.


Bachelor of Science in Real Estate Management, [XYZ University], [City]
Graduated: [Month, Year]


Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS) RICS
UK Certification Date: [Month, Year]


Property Maintenance – Lease Management – Tenant Relations – Budgeting and Financial Analysis – UK Property Regulations – Contract Negotiation – Property Inspections – Team Leadership – Property Management Software Proficiency


Available upon request.

Property Manager CV Examples and Guide

After reading this post, you should feel more confident when it comes to applying for the role of a Property Manager and crafting your CV.

From devising your professional summary, to detailing your relevant skills and experience, knowing how to make your CV stand out over others is key to securing an interview, and ultimately, securing the job

As this is often the first thing recruiters or employers will see, it needs to grab their attention immediately and tell them the reasons why you’re a good fit. Otherwise they won’t look further into your application or invite you to an interview if they don’t think your skills and experience are aligned with what they’re looking for.

Adding more information to your CV isn’t always the best approach – it’s about adding high quality, relevant information that creates a positive impression.

Writing your CV is only one part of the job application process. From finding suitable jobs, to securing an interview, to presenting yourself in the best light, to navigating your existing notice period, finding a new job is challenging. By partnering with us, we can manage this on your behalf ensuring you secure your next dream job in real estate. Through our extensive network, we understand the needs of both employers and employees, helping you find your next career move. Get in touch to find out more.

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